Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea can often go undetected as over half of patients will not present with symptoms.
If you are sexually active and experiencing such symptoms, it is highly recommended that you come in to one of our pharmacies and have a chat with the Pharmacist.
If you are under 25 and sexually active, you should get tested for chlamydia every year or every time you have a new partner. Through our pharmacies, you can pick up a free NHS chlamydia test which is simple to use. The test will require you to provide a urine sample in a provided container, or take a swab from the vagina, which will then be placed in a seal and sent off for testing.
The test can be done at home or if you prefer, a qualified member of our team will discreetly guide you through the simple and quick kit. No appointment is needed.
Results usually come back within 2 weeks and are sent directly to you via post or text message, as per your choice. If treatment is required upon a positive test result (meaning you do have Chlamydia), then you can return to the pharmacy where appropriate medication and guidance can be provided.
Our Pharmacist will also be able to give you advice on any other issues around unprotected sex that may be worrying you, such as other sexually transmitted infections and emergency contraception, as well as how to stay safe in the future.
Through the NHS and various local schemes, our pharmacies are able to provide under 25s with free condoms to help keep you protected from sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies. Please ask at the pharmacy.